Friday, November 20, 2009

Kimberly Kelly - A new country sound from the soul!

Song writer and country singer Kimberly Kelly was playing at the Rail Head Smoke House in Aledo Texas Saturday night so I traveled north to meet with her and learn little more about this rising song writer and singing sensation. I arrived at the Rail Head a little early so that I could try to catch up with her while the band was setting up but got there about a half an hour before the band had even arrived. This gave me time to meet with the manager of the Rail Head Smoke House, Jeremy McCormick whom along with his staff, went out of their way to take care of me. Great folks and I really enjoyed me time with them.

The place opened in August of 2007 and has had a booming business every since. I would attribute it to the great food, wonderful staff and if Kimberly Kelly is any indication of the type of entertainment, I’d add entertainment to the mix. While I continued to wait I also had the opportunity to meet with some of the more charming and colorful local residents who went out of their way to entertain me.

Finally the band arrived and before they had even finished setting up for the sound check the room was packed with patrons. Kimberly stood at the microphone and entertained, talking and teasing in her sweet southern way making everyone smile as the crew set up the sound levels. When they were finished she came to the table where I was waiting. There was only seven minutes until show time.

Kimberly’s personality radiates from deep in her heart and pours out of her gorgeous smiling southern eyes. As she gives you her complete attention you can’t help feeling good just being around her. There is just something about her humbleness yet confident approach to life. She attributes her success to her belief and faith as a Christian first and family and friends second. She has loved singing her whole life but it wasn’t until her senior year in high school that she discovered and declared her intentions to be a singer and song writer.

She attended McLennan County College in Waco Texas. She took music class and got a degree in psychology. That is also where she met the beginning of her band members and the whole thing just started expanding from there. Debbie Scoggins is her stage mom and promoter and her Aunt, Diane Smith travels with the band attending to the promotional sales such as CD’s and Tee shirts. Their pride in being part of Kimberly’s life beams when ever they talk about her and it’s obvious she loves having them around also.

She plays the mandolin and just a little guitar and uses the piano when she’s writing a song. Writing songs is her passion. She told me that she would love to sing and perform every night if that is want is meant to be but if her calling is to just be happily married, raise babies and write songs from home she could be just as happy listening to her music being sung on the radio by a country star.

I look around the room and notice that not only are there the normal crowd here but two different radio stations and tables reserved by people who want to preview her to book for their parties. I have the honor of sitting at the table reserved for her friends and family but the room is so crowded that the walk ways are almost impassible for the waitresses. It is overwhelmingly loud and my seven minutes with Kimberly are over.

I watched as Kimberly stepped back out in front of her waiting audience and took control of the entire room with just a couple of words and a laugh. She has come a long ways from the girl I saw perform a year ago. No longer afraid, this place is hers and rightfully so. The band starts up and her deep from the soul country bluesy voice engulfs the room. It is hard to image a big voice like that comes out of that tiny little lady.

Kimberly and the band play song after song, some hers, some other artists, it doesn’t matter they’re all great. The band is outstanding, the crowd’s involved and they receives ample applause and cheers at the end of every song. Kimberly and her band is on their way to greatness; whatever that maybe. With every song Kimberly writes and sings, she comes one note closer to her goals and dreams. I look forward to catching up with Kimberly in the near future and visiting again.

Personal thanks to Debbie Scoggins who made it possible and to Kimberly Kelly and her band who welcomed me and let me take up their time.

Check out Kimberly’s website and when ever you get a chance go see her. We will keep her future engagements on our event calendar and follow her progress to stardom. Her CD’s are available on her site.

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