Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I am a real estate agent that specializes in land in the state of Texas. I was a police officer for many years in a big city here in Texas but my body got old and tired and I decided to do something I thought would be easier. It was a smart move for a few years but a bad move in this economy. I started out in residential sales but because of my upbringing and life style selling land; ranches, farms and recreational land, became my passion. There is nothing like spending the day driving around on hundreds of acres of gorgeous ranch land on a gator or a mule or even horse back. I live on a farm just outside of Waco, Texas where we have large pecan trees, fruit trees, a vegetable garden, stock ponds, tall grass, wild flowers and a few animals to share it with. I love our place and can’t imagine living in the city, especially in these times.

As I think about the economy, it’s interesting to note that as houses lose their value, land seems to hold or even rise in price especially around here. That’s partly because of the gas and oil being found but mostly because the increasing shortage of land. But if land is in such demand why does it take so long to sell? The answer is advertising! If you don’t know it’s for sale, you can’t buy it. Unlike houses and sites like there was not easy to locate and use source for land. To resolve this problem my team and I created and are building , a land e-zine.

Our goal is not only to build a place for folks to find land but also once they have it, find the resources they need to work and maintain it. It’s just in the beginning stages, though at last count we had fourteen counties of Texas land for sale on it. We’re also looking for rep’s to sell advertising space so that we can grow and take on more counties and someday more states. But in the meantime, I’m looking for ways to get the word out about our site so I decided to start a “Blog”.

I’m not sure what a blog is really suppose to be about but this one will be about Texas land and high light a county every month and a property every week. Texas land is full of history, beauty and will warm you deep into your soul. So, I’ll tell you a little history about it as well as the details on each property. I invite you to look at our site and choose properties you’d like to hear about then let me know. Maybe you’ll find a piece of land that calls out to you and you’ll join me in the country, planting gardens, canning fruit, watching the horses graze and living the good life.

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