Friday, April 18, 2008

Living in Hill County

Said to be “ The riches dirt in the world” brought farmers from far stretches of the world. In the 1870’s one of the most influential groups to settle Hill County were the Czechs. They came from Austria-Hungary via Fayette County. They had neat, well managed farms, strong spirits and kept to them selves speaking their own language and practicing their old world customs. They settled in the Abbott area and just south down into theMcLennan County town of West. There’s a Historical marker in front of the “Turkey Shop” along the freeway at Abbott. (Did I mention I love the food at the “Turkey Shop”?) The Czechs keep their customs alive for future generations in so many ways including their wonder food, (my favorite, Kolaches) and their yearly celebration called “West Fest”, which happens on Labor Day in the town of West every year.

My family and I live near Abbott. My kids have all grown up and married into the local heritages. We have a beautiful piece of land which is mostly farmed by a local Czech family, now related by marriage, but my brother and I maintain a small garden. And like the Czechs, I must admit the dark, rich soil with slightly rolling hills and big trees is what captured my heart when I first saw the property. The farm girl in me emerged and I wanted to live here. The pecan and fruit trees, flowering bushes and bulb flowers that surrounded the old ranch house were planted over the last 100 plus years by the Czech family that lived here but the grapevines and vegetables are my babies.

Owning and working the land does something to your soul. It gives you a sense of pride and belonging. Our land has history of it’s own from the family that lived here for so long before us and now we're adding to it.
If you’d like to own land but don’t know how to get started, check out our website. and let us help. We specialize in Texas land and it's needs. It’s easy to use and grows daily. Plants some roots, be part of Texas history and own a farm or ranch of your own and grow your own garden.

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