Friday, April 18, 2008

Hill County

As I traveled through the mountains of information I found on the internet about Hill County,( not to be confused with hill country) I was overwhelmed with how much history took place in this county alone. (I am starting with Hill County for a reason, it is my home and dear to my heart.) Depending on how far back you want to travel and how in depth you want to get you could spend years researching. There are 89 Historical Markers in Hill County telling us about everything from Indians making their homes here along the lakes and the rivers and frontiers men and Spaniards made their camps here ( Phillip Nolan was killed near the town of Blum by Spaniards in 1801) .
The county was established in 1852 and is named after Sam Houston’s secretary of war under the Republic of Texas, Dr. George Washington Hill. Forts were established to protect the settlers from the Indians, though the Indians were pushed out by the mass of settlers. The Chisholm Trail followed along the river and was used to move thousands of head of cattle but the land, the soil to be more exact, is what really brought the people to Hill County.

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